Thursday, March 11, 2010


i drew this little sketch the night of his state of the union address and decide to slap some color on it last night.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


one of my favorite characters that first appeared in the age of apocalypse series from marvel back in the late 90's which was drawn by fan fav joe madureira.

my favorite line in the series,"my name is "blink"who you think is faster."lol classic.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

street fighting

who else could crack your head open,kick you
into the middle of next week, chunk up da duece
and look good doing

captain marvel

had fun with this one.i think i should do more character art in this style,we'll see.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

chill'in like krillin

more old school art.i drew this pic for my nephew many,many,moons ago and later decided to slap some color on it.

yeah, we were DBZ NUTS!lol


love comics and love

on top of the world

i don't draw sups enough,but i really have fun when i do.

spidey vs rino

more comic style work.i always liked those old comic book covers that had dialog on them so figured i try my hand at it.